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a business that's

aligned. sustainable. authentic. right.

The Thrive Letters

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Hi, I’m Masha!

I help parent-preneurs build a sustainable business on their own terms – without the overwhelm and frustration.

It took me many trials and errors to finally forge my own path. Countless days where I felt overwhelmed and frustrated not knowing where I should start or what step to take next.

Nothing I tried led to the business I imagined in my mind. It didn’t feel right. So I burned out and was ready to give up on my dream, thinking maybe I wasn’t made for this. Until I realized that the only way to make this business thing work, was to do it my way.

I believe there’s only one size that fits your life and business: YOURS.

And I’m here to help you transform your vision into a tailor-fit venture that is sustainable, authentic, and profitable.

The Non-Conformist Art of Business Coaching

Designed for conscious parent-preneurs ready to make an Impact
Overcome Obstacles

Discover what is holding you back & learn to overcome challenges.

Goodbye Imposter Syndrome

Gain Clarity On Your Path

Gain clarity on your goals & the path you want to take to make your vision a reality.

Goodbye Overwhelm

Create Your Own Box

Design your business so it’s different, aligns with your values, and feels right.

Goodbye Comparison

Attract The Right Folks

Discover your unique style and use it to attract your tribe without being sleazy or pushy.

Goodbye Pushy Marketing

How Can I help you?

Let’s create magic and ground it in reality for tangible results

Business Clarity

A one-off 1:1 session for when you have a specific challenge or obstacle you want to overcome.

60 min / $ 97

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Offer Creation

A 30-day shared journey to help you craft & test-drive your TOP offer (Transformational Offer Prototype) using my unique FOCUS Framework.
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Thrive By Design©

A 12 week high-touch mentorship to help you transform your vision into a profitable and aligned venture using my innovative INSIGHT Framework.
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